CityVille Cheats // Coins Energy Exp

Download the Plugins again as it has been improved to v8 for better energy searching. Download it now! 

Well, it has been leaked so here you goooo. Has been working for a couple of days already. So if you are all wondering how did people level up so fast, here you go.

Download required files  // wait for timer, click download, click download again. Any issues try it on another browser before commenting.

Screenshot: [ download ]
CityVille Bot: [ download ]

Plugins by 12christiaan + improved Energy grabber [ download ] (UPDATED to VERSION 8 - Faster Energy Grabber + Train/Ships in the building Plugin)

The energy grabber plugin by 12christiaan is very working extremely well and that is why i decided to donate to him for an awesome piece of work. Nice one Christiaan!

Read this: If you cant find any more energy, just add more neighbours. More neighbours = more energy.


  1. Download CityVille Bot and Plugins from the links above.
  2. Install CityVille Bot
  3. Extract the 2 folders from the .zip file to your desktop. 
  4. Go to Windows Explorer, and browse to the folder where CityVille Bot is installed (default is at C:\Programs Files..) 
  5. Copy the 2 folders from the Plugins into the folder where the Bot is installed and REPLACE all the files.
    C:\Program Files\CityVilleBot\codebase-php\BotClass.php  replace this file
    C:\Program Files\CityVilleBot\codebase-php\LocalDataClass.php replace this file
    C:\Program Files\Plugins\Neighbors\* 
    5 copied files - replace
    C:\Program Files\Plugins\Energy\* 5 copied files - replace
    C:\Program Files\Plugins\UnlimitedCoins\*  5 copied files - replace
    You copied this steps from
  6. Once done, just open the CityVilleBot.exe  (For VISTA and WIN7 users, right click the CityVilleBot.exe and select "Run As Administrator")  IMPORTANT OR IT WILL NOT WORK.
  7. Log into your facebook account. (Don't worry, it's not a scam. You can log into a spare account first if you are afraid, but you will definitely get logged in)
  8. Just click "Start" 
  9. Watch the bot start up and you should get a screen like this.
  10. Click on PluginsManager to ACTIVE/DEACTIVE the cheats that you want or do not want. 
  11. For Energy, it works by grabbing your neighbors' neighbors +3 energy when you visit them. DO NOT GO CRAZY ON THIS OR YOUR GAME WILL BREAK. Just do it 100-200 energy each time. If you want to be greedy and spoil your own game, have fun with it :p
  12. Always remember to UNTICK the "Pause!" if you want the cheat to work. It's all in English so go play around yourself. It's pretty easy and works really great.
  13. For easy leveling just do what I'm doing. In the Crops section, just plant like 1000 strawberries. Make sure you have lots of empty farming land in your game. Use Energy + Farming to level up really fast.
  14. As for Unlimited Coins, just put 20 cycles will get you A LOT of coins already. Do NOT be greedy!
  15. Lastly, really do NOT abuse the bot or it will get patched soon. Have fun! 
Video Tutorial by Jessica: 
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